Benefit Resources, Inc. has entered into an exciting relationship with a new company called VistaCore. We are excited to introduce this new concept called VistaCore to our clients and strategic partners.
VistaCore integrates all of a company’s benefits solutions together in one, integrated package. It is designed to help C-suite executives and benefits managers simplify their workload and improve profitability. VistaCore brings together in one package a group of service providers that operate under one umbrella.
One phone call
One website
One team working in concert on your behalf
VistaCore provides companies with back-office support for their benefits, but VistaCore is neutral on the benefits that the company actually chooses to provide. The company will continue to engage their own advisors for their insurance benefits and for the investment solutions for their retirement plan. VistaCore works under strict confidentiality, so companies will not be contacted by any other benefits providers as a result of working with VistaCore.
Here is how VistaCore works:
It all starts with payroll. Payroll records drive all benefits that are provided to employees. The VistaCore payroll service, is run on state-of-the art software by an experienced team of specialists who will convert all of a company’s records seamlessly, offer on-line time tracking for hourly employees, process payroll on any pay schedule plus checks on demand, allow for paper checks or EFT deposits, and prepare all tax filings and reporting.
Contractors are our specialty. VistaCore payroll will compute the prevailing wage fringe benefits automatically for each job and classification that a contractor is working on. Certified payroll reports are no problem.
Keeping the company’s existing payroll solution is an option too! If the payroll is an integral part of the company’s job costing, or if there are reasons to continue to control payroll using the current solution, that’s OK too! Simply provide a download of each payroll to VistaCore so that we stay current on the employee records. VistaCore can assist in providing any tax reporting or filings that the company may wish to outsource.
The VistaCore team will work with a company to make sure that the best payroll solution is provided for the company. Click here to see more about the payroll benefits available through VistaCore. VistaCore payroll services are provided by BluePoint Payroll Solutions.
VistaCore has the company’s payroll records, so 401(k) contributions will be sent to the company’s 401(k) investment custodian automatically. It’s seamless! Once the company has authorized the payroll and the 401(k) contributions, VistaCore will upload the data to the investment custodian at which time the custodian will deduct the funds from the company’s bank account.
Looking for some bells and whistles to be added to the retirement plan? No problem! VistaCore can provide companies with the most sophisticated plan design available anywhere including:
Progressive matching contribution strategies
Tiered or age-weighted profit sharing allocation
Fiscal year-end plans (tied to the company’s year-end)
Even Cash Balance pension plans
VistaCore will never have to ask a company for their year-end census report – we already have the information! The company will save hours of staff time per year being able to focus on other projects after being freed up from 401(k) processing.
Contractors who have prevailing wage fringe will have retirement contributions automatically calculated by VistaCore. For more details on how the prevailing wage fringe benefits work, click here, or see the Fringe Benefits section below.
The VistaCore retirement solution is completely flexible. The company keeps their current financial advisor and investment custodian. The administration of the plan will be handled by caring and fully certified staff. VistaCore retirement administration services are provided by Benefit Resources, Inc.
Human Resources
Having employees leaves a company open to risk. The VistaCore solution incorporates an HR component to help mitigate those risks. VistaCore’s certified HR specialists are here to help keep companies in compliance with complex labor regulations, notice requirements, and to answer questions that they may have.
Unlimited phone calls during business hours
Access to our extensive HR library of forms and sample letters
Invitations to topical seminars to further training of managers
Extensive leave-of-absence expertise
Every company has a question about HR issues at one point or another. With VistaCore companies have the comfort of knowing that help is just a phone call away. VistaCore HR services are provided by Silvers HR LLC.
Fringe Benefits
Contractors on prevailing wage jobs can be more competitive in their bids, and be more profitable at the same time by carving out the fringe benefits component of the prevailing wage. VistaCore specializes in helping contractors implement and manage their prevailing wage fringe benefits through our payroll system. By paying employees the base wage only, contractors will enjoy substantial savings on:
Payroll tax burden
Workers’ compensation premiums
General liability insurance
In addition, the fringe benefits that may have been paid by the company in the past can be paid for with this fringe benefit. After all – that’s what it’s for! The fringe benefits include:
Insurance premiums (medical, dental, supplemental)
Retirement benefits
Under-employment benefits (see Hour Banking below)
Hour banking: The VistaCore fringe benefits program also offers prevailing wage contractors an Hour banking option. Hour banking saves benefits dollars from high volume months and banks them to be spent on benefits during low volume months. Fringe benefits dollars are kept in the VistaCore custodial account until they’re needed later. If they aren’t used, the funds are reimbursed to the employee from the VistaCore account and VistaCore reports the benefits on a Form 1099. The employer never has to claim those dollars under payroll. Hour banking saves the employer from having to come out-of-pocket to pay benefits for employees during those slower months, and allows the employee to maintain coverage without risk of lapse.
The VistaCore advantage is that our Hour Banking services are provided with flat rate pricing. Other providers add a surcharge to the insurance premiums to provide this service. Premiums are high enough without adding a surcharge on top! VistaCore includes with our Hour Banking service a monthly reconciliation of activity for the company and a quarterly statement for the employees. This type of reporting is unique to VistaCore.
Navigate the complex world of benefits administration with VistaCore, while keeping the current benefits and the company’s trusted benefits broker in place. VistaCore hour banking services are provided by Benefit Resources, Inc.
VistaCore provides this unique solution at a per-employee per-month price. VistaCore pricing is extremely competitive; depending on the size of the company, and the services needed, it is typically between 1% and 2% of payroll.
Benefit Resources is proud to be part of the new VistaCore benefits solution. Find out if VistaCore is the right solution for your company. Save time, get top-notch service with one call and for a very competitive price. It will likely save you money! Click here to request more information on VistaCore, be sure to mention VistaCore in your request. We can get you a quote today! VistaCore is a view into your future. For more details, go to